





昌化鸡血石是中国特有的珍贵宝石,具有鸡血般的鲜红色彩和美玉般的天生丽质 ,历来与珠宝翡翠同样受人珍视,以"国宝"之誉驰名中外。

Changhua chicken blood stone is a rare precious stone in China. It has the bright red color of chicken blood and beautiful jade like beauty. It has always been cherished with jewel jade, and is famous for its reputation as "national treasure".


The natural beauty of Changhua chicken blood stone is derived from the symbiosis of cinnabar and kaolinite, kaolin and pyrophyllite. Cinnabar is the main component of "blood", with bright red, red, red, light red, fast red, band, star, and other kaolinite, the main ingredient of the texture, white, yellow, red, green, brown and other colors and translucent, transparent, opaque and so on.

昌化鸡血石形成于晚侏罗纪(约一亿年前)流纹凝灰岩中,是朱砂(硫化汞HgS)在高岭石(Ko)与地开石(Di)之间不断渗染而成,摩氏硬度为 2~3 ,比重为 2.66~2.9 ,其成份为 AI2(Si4O10)(OH)2。发现与开采有1000多年历史, 广泛利用兴于明清时期。明代昌化鸡血石工艺品已成为皇宫和英国博物馆的珍藏品。清代康熙,雍正、乾隆、嘉庆、咸丰、同治、宣统等历代皇帝与后妃选昌化鸡血石作为玉玺。现代毛泽东主席曾使用和珍藏两方大号昌化鸡血石印章,周恩来总理曾选昌化鸡血石作为国礼,馈赠日本前首相田中。郭沫若、吴昌硕、齐白石、徐悲鸿、潘天寿、钱君淘、叶浅予等众多文化名流,与昌化鸡血石结下了不解之缘。

The Changhua chicken blood stone is formed in the late Jurassic (about one hundred million years ago) in the rhyolite tuff. It is cinnabar (mercury sulfide HgS) continuously dyed between kaolinite (Ko) and earth open stone (Di), with a 2~3 with a specific gravity of 2.66~2.9 and a component of AI2 (Si4O10) (OH) 2. Discovery and mining have more than 1000 years of history, and widely used in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Changhua chicken blood stone handicraft in Ming Dynasty has become a collection of Imperial Palace and British Museum. Qing Dynasty Kangxi, Yong Zheng, Qian Long, Jia Qing, Xianfeng, Tongzhi, Xuan Tong and other emperors and concubines selected Changhua chicken blood stone as jade seal. The modern president Mao Zedong used and treasures the two party big chop blood stone seal, and Prime Minister Zhou Enlai had chosen Changhua chicken blood stone as a national gift and gave gift to former Prime Minister Tanaka of Japan. Guo Moruo, Wu Changshuo, Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, Pan Tianshou, Qian Juntao, Ye Qianyu and many other cultural celebrities have formed an indissoluble bond with Changhua chicken blood stone.

