



木化玉也叫树化玉,树化玉是玉化的硅化木。它属于硅化木,又因其晶莹剔透的外表而区别于普通硅化木。 木化玉的硬度高达摩氏7.4度。其主要矿产成分为蛋白石(opaiSiO2.nH2 O)及玉髓(chalcedony,SiO2)。密度2.20g/cm3-2.80g/cm3。木化玉以特殊身价不但展示玉石富贵,同时美丽的年轮和树皮的沧桑记录着、提供着远去的那个年代的若干信息。不但有很高的经济价值、观赏价值和科考价值。而且以其不可再生的宝石品质昭示:预计今后十年,增值数十倍,所以有很高收藏价值。






英文名称:Tree HuaHongYu













英文名称:Order of chairman MAO











英文名称:Old photos of Beijing architecture
















英文翻译:Wood jade also called tree jade, tree jade is the silicified wood jade. It belongs to silicified wood, and because of its crystal clear appearance and different from ordinary silicified wood. The hardness of wooded jade is as high as 7.4 degrees mohs. The main mineral components are opaisio2. nH2 O and chalcedony (SiO2). 2.20 g/cm3 density 2.80 g/cm3. The special value of wooden jade not only shows the jade wealth, but also the beautiful tree rings and bark of the vicissitudes of life record, providing some information about the time gone. Not only has the high economic value, the ornamental value and the scientific research value. And with its non-renewable gem quality shows: the next decade is expected to increase the value of dozens of times, so it has a high collection value.

In the course of the long geological history, large areas of virgin forest were buried in the ground by vast natural forces. Immersed in the saturated solution of silica under the environment of high pressure, low temperature and no oxygen, the carbon element in the tree is gradually replaced by silica, and some original characteristics of the tree are partially retained, including some mineral elements in the surrounding rock, forming a colorful color, this is the silastic wood, also known as fossil wood.

Then in the long geological period, in the constant change of temperature and pressure, the silicified wood had the difference of metamorphism, recrystallization, the main component of the conversion to albumen chalcedony, this is the tree jade, also known as the wood jade.

The specific years of formation, because of the research limitations of silicified wood, have not been completely found. The earliest fossil wood to date is the early carboniferous gymnosperms. The latest is siliceous wood from the late cretaceous period, 65 million years ago. It can be determined that the formation period of lignite was between the Paleozoic carboniferous period (beginning 355 million years ago) and the Mesozoic cretaceous period (ending 65 million years ago).

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: tree jade

English name: Luo zhonglin character story pastel cap barrel

Category: porcelain

Specification: one piece

Phase: beauty

Cross section can be seen, the brick red, red meat, jade tree is extremely rare, general tree of jade mostly white, and only the rare rosewood, chrysanthemum pear, such as rare wood after thousands of years to form the jade tree to retain with red, form red meat, since the ancient times the jade is expensive, red hotan ruby value is far beyond the suet white, once a valuation of tens of millions of huanghua pear tree fossil and by news media, is the rare and precious.

Appearance of trees texture clear, whether stone, or tree is represent longevity in ancient, the jade, the representative of polite collection this collection implication: when (stone) to run, the gentleman jade, inside the outside like a stone as jade, like hetian jade is wrapped by a tree grain layer of leather, and the gentleman jade, implicative, extremely image connotation extremely.

The formation of arboreal jade requires extremely harsh geological environment conditions. The probability of paleontological fossil formation is only one in a million, and the probability of arboreal jade formation is even lower.

Due to the non-renewable nature of fossils, one is mined in the world, but one is not stored underground. Arboreal jade is a treasure left by nature to human beings and is also a national treasure of myanmar.

Muhua jade has a high ornamental value, his beauty lies in the shape of wood rather than wood, jade rather than jade. The colors are varied and varied. Quality shine color, warm and moist hands. Sex is broad thick tenacity, quality of a material is quiet. It has the "natural, rare, hard, beautiful" four elements of jewelry. The special formation, the limited and non-renewable stock of wood jade, the prehistoric treasure has a very high economic value and collection value.

Recently, in order to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the birth of MAO zedong in 2013, the film "MAO zedong" has been on the air and won the unanimous praise of the audience. Especially among Tibetan friends, every episode of the wonderful story has become the topic of their chat before and after tea.

Years of floating red, collection also floating red. In the plot truth, objectively show a generation of great people brilliant life at the same time, the collection market also blew a "red whirlwind", red collection market a red fire.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: chairman MAO medal

English name: Luo zhonglin character story pastel cap barrel

Category: porcelain

Specification: four pieces

Phase: beauty

Positive great portrait, white background, a color MEDALS for white color great profile portrait, a black MEDALS for white/black and white great true face portrait, medal of MAO zedong to laugh, very friendly, it is by these MEDALS on the great man image, let our descendants generations do not forget to chairman MAO made huge contribution for China, is our chairman of the people the most revered.

On the reverse side is a pin to be worn and fixed in the form of a printed message on the back: I wish chairman MAO longevity, made in jingdezhen, China, chairman MAO can be said to live in our hearts for generations, after ten thousand years believe that we still can not forget the great chairman MAO.

Since 1998 engaged in red cat said of the collection, the New Year's "red drama offered" doomed 2014 collection in "red", souvenir of red hot sales scene now is open the floodgates, the "red tornado is very strong, is spreading in shenyang, and even the collection of the national market, all kinds of red collection prices higher.

Commemorative MEDALS into the red collection mainstream

In practice, the red collection also began with the commemorative medallion. It is understood that there are at least 150,000 people in the country in the collection of MAO zedong badges. They not only collect books, porcelain, paintings, documents, old photographs and other collections.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: old photos of Beijing architecture

English name: Luo zhonglin character story pastel cap barrel

Category: porcelain

Specification: one piece

Phase: beauty

Tiananmen square, is located in the center of the capital of the People's Republic of China in Beijing, the southern tip of the imperial palace, tiananmen square and the people's heroes monument, chairman MAO memorial hall, the great hall of the people, the national museum of China on the other side of the chang an avenue, covers an area of 4800 square meters, with outstanding architectural art and special political status as the world attention.

Tian 'anmen is the main gate of the imperial city of Beijing in the Ming and qing dynasties. It was built in the 15th year of the reign of emperor yongle in the Ming dynasty (1417). The designer was kuai xiang, an imperial architect in the Ming dynasty. Qing dynasty shunzhi eight years (1651) renamed tian 'anmen. The tower is composed of two parts, the tower and the tower. There is a white marble xumi tower with a total height of 34.7 meters. The tian 'anmen rostrum is 66 meters long and 37 meters wide. There are five que under the city, the middle of the largest ticket door, located in the central axis of the Beijing emperor, the past only the emperor can come and go from this. MAO zedong's portrait hung above the doorway in the middle, flanked by large slogans reading "long live the People's Republic of China" and "long live the great unity of the world's people.

The national agriculture exhibition hall and the China agriculture museum are two brands and one institution. They are public institutions directly under the ministry of agriculture and rural affairs, PRC. The national agricultural exhibition hall is one of the ten buildings in the capital approved by the state council in 1958. Its geographical location, scale, layout and style were all approved by premier zhou enlai. It was formally completed and opened to the public in September 1959. China agricultural museum was approved by the state council in July 1983 and built on the basis of the national agricultural exhibition hall. It was officially opened to the public in September 1986. In 2012, it was rated as the national first-class museum.

Beijing planetarium is located in Beijing xizhimenwai street, is a national science museum. Mainly through artificial simulated sky show, astronomical knowledge exhibitions, editing and publication and issuance of astronomical science books, organized form to the public, such as Volkswagen astronomical observations popularizing knowledge of astronomy, Beijing planetarium has become to the public in China, especially the teenagers to conduct astronomical science popularization, public education the main positions. Since 1995, the planetarium has been designated as the national, municipal and district-level popular science education base, science and peace education base, youth patriotism education base and so on.

The Beijing planetarium consists of two parts: hall A and hall B. Hall A was built in 1955 and opened in 1957. Hall B was built in 2001 and opened in 2004. The total construction area is about 7000 square meters. On May 18, 2017, Beijing planetarium was re-rated as a national first-class museum.

The upper left corner is the picture of tian 'anmen gate, magnificent, glazed tile, the upper right corner is the national agricultural exhibition hall, the lower left is the Beijing planetarium, the lower right is the great hall of the people.

The great hall of the people of the central government of the People's Republic of China is located on the west side of tian 'anmen square and the south side of xichang 'an avenue in Beijing, China. The great hall of the people faces east to the west. It is 336 meters long from north to south, 206 meters wide from east to west, and 46.5 meters high.

The great hall of the people is the place where the National People's Congress meets and the office of the standing committee of the National People's Congress. The great hall also hosts the annual sessions of the National People's Congress, the Chinese people's political consultative conference and the five-yearly national congress of the communist party of China.

The place of interest in the photograph address here is not one to introduce, this kind of black and white photograph has period style extremely, it is the best witness of Beijing appearance at that time, it is the same as ancient calligraphy and painting record time, record past, have historical research value extremely, it is the treasure that collects memory.

The Olympic Games special edition China unicom in the letter 30 yuan, this China unicom card records China's Olympic Games, has the collection value extremely.

The Great Wall 8 minutes stamp has several kinds, the historical background at that time, now there is no such historical background, is a great collection of value stamps.

On these red theme collection is the current hot spot, whether it is photos, or medal, quality perfect, no damage, the lack of Angle, the problem such as the oil is rare red collection, four tree jade, accumulate, across for the rich, with put, also is the appreciation value extremely, is a very rare tree HuaHongYu, are samples of ancient trees, have scientific research value, extremely high value for collection.

